• 3/24 & 25: PTO launches an electronic petition allowing anyone to appeal the lack of funding

    3/26:  Board President Endicott provides testimony to Senate Budget Committee, urges them to consider immediate stabilization relief, maximum cuts of 1 % to the annual operating budget, a cap on increases in district allocations, supporting (S2434) Tax Flexibility Bill, and a  comprehensive review of the antiquated NJ School Funding Formula.  
    3/28:  City Council passes Resolution requesting that Public School State Aid be restored.

    4/8:  Letter writing campaign is initiated.  Hundreds of parents and students participated in signing and sending letters to our state lawmakers to ask for funding relief and a change to the NJ School Funding Formula.

    4/25:  School Budget Hearing is held.
    4/28: Superintendent Appeals to NJDOE Division of Finance for a recalculation of district aid.
    5/14/24:  Governor Murphy signs A4161/S3081 into law, P.L.2024 c.13; establishing a Stabilized School Budget  Aid Grant Program providing one time reimbursement equal to 45 percent of a school district's aid reduction for 2024-2025 school year. The legislation also allows districts who lost money to raise taxes equal to their losses between 2020-2021 and 2024-2025 up to 9.9%.
    5/21, 5/22 & 5/23:  Emergency Budget Committee Meetings are held by the Board of Education.
    Week of 5/28-5/31:  Additional information is obtained as it becomes available, budget discussions continue.
    5/31/24: The School District reaches out to City Council to inform them of the passage of A4161, budget discussions with the City of Somers Point continue.
    6/3/24 School District is in contact with Atlantic County Office regarding recent budget updates and procedures.  The Board of Education Special Public Budget Meeting is scheduled for 6/12.
    6/10/24 & 6/11/24:  Board of Education Budget Committee Meetings are held.
    6/12/24:  Special Public Budget Meeting is held.
    6/24/24:  Regular Meeting is scheduled with a Budget Hearing.