- Jordan Road
- Course Expectations
Kallen, Devon
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Grades 7 & 8 Physical Education Requirements
All students receive three trimesters of PE and Health. Students will have Health twice a six day cycle for one trimester, and PE twice a six day cycle. Health and Physical Education are a vital component of the Middle School Education and are required by the State of New Jersey.
The Middle School Phys Ed curriculum consists of a variety of team and individual sports, large group games, fitness and lifetime recreational activities. Regardless of the activity, the basic concept of sportsmanship, skill development, knowledge of safety and the rules are continually stressed. Students are encouraged to try their best and fully participate, regardless of their abilities. By doing so, they will reap many benefits from having a sufficient amount of daily activity.
The Middle School Phys Ed curriculum consists of a variety of team and individual sports, large group games, fitness and lifetime recreational activities. Regardless of the activity, the basic concept of sportsmanship, skill development, knowledge of safety and the rules are continually stressed. Students are encouraged to try their best and fully participate, regardless of their abilities. By doing so, they will reap many benefits from having a sufficient amount of daily activity.
Students are graded in three categories during every PE class session:
- Preparation
- Motor Skills and Work Toward Mastery of the Standards
- Sportsmanship (Attitude, Behavior, Safety & Teamwork)
On a daily basis in PE class, a student will earn a grade of 1 through 4. Grades are determined through preparation for class, sportsmanship, and mastery of the Health and Physical Education standards.
1 (One) Unacceptable Behavior/There is no evidence of learning: Student is participating at a minimum level or refuses to participate. If the student exhibits disrespectful behavior, uses foul language, uses physical contact to resolve conflict, or demonstrates destructive behavior of equipment they will earn this grade.
*OR the student is unprepared and did not work toward the learning goal.
2 (Two) Inappropriate Behavior/There is beginning or emerging evidence of learning: The student is participating, yet may refuse to participate in certain activities. If the student does not follow directions, argues with another student or the teacher, demonstrates a lack of self-control, or does not take proper care of equipment they will earn this. Students will receive one warning at this level. A second behavior will result in a detention.
*OR the student is unprepared and minimally worked toward the learning goal.
3 (Three) Acceptable Behavior/Proficient evidence of learning: The student is following directions and participating, and working toward the learning goal. They were prepared for class with sneakers and clothes to move around in. They are respectful, responsible and cooperative with others and teachers. They exhibit self-control and good sportsmanship while working toward the learning goal.
*OR the student is unprepared but has completed the alternative assignment thoroughly.
4 (Four) Class Leader/Advanced evidence of learning: The student demonstrates outstanding behavior and leadership and work diligently toward the learning goal. They help others and act as a positive role model by going above and beyond expectations. They are continually demonstrating level 3 behaviors.
**The unprepared student is not able to attain this daily grade.
In PE Class, the following point system applies…
1= 60 F 3= 91.75 B+
1.5= 69 D- 3.5= 95.25 A
2= 79 C 4= 100 A+
2.5= 86 B-
Students in NJ are required by law to participate in Physical Education. However, students may be excused from participation due to injury or illness. Students will be excused from class for one (1) day with a note from their parent or guardian. Parental/guardian excuses will be accepted for two (2) consecutive days. If a student needs to be excused for longer than two consecutive days, a doctor’s note is necessary. The doctor’s note should indicate the time period that the student is to be excused from PE. No student shall be permitted to return to class without doctor’s consent. All excuse notes are kept on file in the PE office after being shown to the school nurse. When a student is excused from PE, he she will complete the ‘on the sidelines’ daily work.
To Be Prepared or Not to Be Prepared??
That is the question! The answer…BE PREPARED!!! Students are required to change their clothing for PE class from that which they wore to school. Their entire outfit must be changed in order to receive full credit. Sneakers are also required for class participation. Clothing must conform to the same criteria as the general dress code for school. They should wear clothes/sneakers that are comfortable for movement and weather appropriate. Students will be marked unprepared and not permitted to participate if their clothing is inappropriate. They will then be asked to complete a “Refocus” form. Once the “Refocus” form has been completed, the student may have the opportunity to re-enter the activity and gain points for the day.
Students at this age are also encouraged to WEAR DEODORANT!
Students should expect to begin changing for PE by the second day of class. Students will be provided a locker inside of the locker room. Students are not permitted to share lockers and are encouraged to bring in a COMBINATION LOCK to keep their belongings and valuables safe during PE class. Locks will no longer be available to rent. Each student’s combination will be kept on file in the Phys Ed office and will remain confidential. Although the locker room doors will be locked during all PE classes, possessions and valuables are not truly safe unless they are secured in a locker. Locker room safety rules and procedure will be reviewed with all classes to ensure each student’s safety and security of personal items. Anyone in violation of the rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
We look forward to a great year with you!
Middle School Health- Grade 8
The knowledge of health concepts empowers students to assume lifelong responsibility to develop physical, social and emotional wellness.
Students will:
· Become knowledgeable about health and wellness and how to access health resources.
· Maintain physical, social, and emotional health by practicing healthy behaviors and goal setting.
· Recognize the influence of media, technology, and culture in making informed health-related decisions.
· Accept and be respectful of individual and cultural differences. Advocate for personal, family, community, and global wellness and will be knowledgeable about national and international public health and safety issues.
8th Grade Health Units:
Family Life
Health Grades are based on:
Responsibility/Punctuality, Participation/Effort, Behavior/Cooperation, and Content Knowledge
In health education classes, students will be graded daily on a 4 points per day rubric using the criteria listed below. Grades 7 & 8 may also have written classroom assignments, short quizzes, or unit exams, which will be graded on a separate points basis and will be included as part of their Health grade.
On a daily basis, a student will earn a grade of 1 through 4. Grades are determined through preparation for class, attitude, participation and mastery of the Health and Physical Education standards.
- Responsibility/Punctuality (is prepared with appropriate materials needed for health class and is not tardy) 1 Point
- Participation/Effort/Behavior/Cooperation (actively participates in class discussions, group activities and completes in-class assignments (do-now’s)/written assignments/tests with effort, demonstrates appropriate classroom behavior, cooperates with classmates & teacher. ) 1 Point
- Working toward learning goal (demonstrates a basic knowledge of health concepts being taught and actively works toward mastery) 2 Point
60% of the student grade will be based on the daily points, which includes participation and preparation. Students must come to class with a writing utensil and a folder or binder.
30% of the student grade will be based on projects. There will be at least one project during each of the trimesters.. Students will be given class time to work on the projects. If the project has not been completed during class time it will be the responsibility of the student to complete the project outside of the class and hand it in on the due date for full credit.
10% of the student grade will be based in tests and quizzes. Students will be permitted to use all of the information in their Health folders to complete all tests and quizzes.
In addition to class participation, students will be given occasional projects and homework. We have a partnership with AtlantiCare and students will also be participating in many of their contests throughout the year. Jordan Road has had many winners in the past including the “Green Mustache” Contest, “Fruit and Veggie Infomercial” Contest, “Eat This, Not That” and many more! Through these contests and wellness events held at our school, AtlantiCare has awarded us with wellness money so that we can implement health and wellness within Jordan Road!
Elementary Physical Education
Welcome back! We look forward to having a wonderful year in physical education with you. Our goal is to make physical education challenging and fun! This class is designed to develop and work on different types of physical skills. It is proven that physical skills benefit the body AND the mind! It is very important that we maintain a healthy lifestyle and that can be done through exercise. You will have an opportunity to try different fitness related activities that you can do throughout your life!
Fitness and Wellness
We will work on a variety of activities that include learning our muscles, the Fitness Gram Assessment, and the Integrated Arts Festival.
Team and Individual Sports
We will learn and play a variety of individual and team activities, as well as cooperative education.
On a daily basis in PE class, a student will earn a grade of 1 through 4. Grades are determined through preparation for class, sportsmanship, attitude, participation and mastery of the Health and Physical Education standards.
1 (One) There is no evidence of learning. Student is participating at a minimum level or refuses to participate. If the student exhibits disrespectful behavior, uses foul language, uses physical contact to resolve conflict, or demonstrates destructive behavior of equipment they will earn this grade. They will also be issued a disciplinary referral.
2 (Two) There is beginning/emerging evidence of learning. The student is participating, yet may refuse to participate in certain activities. If the student does not follow directions, argues with another student or the teacher, demonstrates a lack of self-control, or does not take proper care of equipment they will earn this. At this level, students will be given the choice to correct their inappropriate behavior. Continuation of this behavior will result in completion of a “Refocus” form.
3 (Three) Proficient evidence of learning. The student is following directions and participating, and working toward the learning goal. They were prepared for class with sneakers and clothes to move around in. They are respectful, responsible and cooperative with others and teachers. They exhibit self-control and good sportsmanship while working toward the learning goal.
4 (Four) Advanced evidence of learning. The student demonstrates outstanding behavior and leadership and work diligently toward the learning goal. They help others and act as a positive role model by going above and beyond expectations. They are continually demonstrating level 3 behaviors. Students at this level will be asked to be the class helper. Students may be awarded a “Super Listener” Award when they attain this level.
**Throughout the school year, students will be working on fitness or skill related Growth Objectives. Tasks and expectations vary with each grade level and will be introduced at a later date.
Student of the Month: Each Physical Education teacher will select student(s) from each grade level to be awarded monthly.
PREPAREDNESS is very important. Being physically prepared to engage in class includes:
- Having the proper clothing (sneakers, loose clothing suitable for physical activity.) *Students will no longer be permitted to participate without the proper shoes.*
- Wearing the proper clothing to class
- Not wearing any dangling jewelry or watches to class
- Having any written assignments or projects
If a student is having behaving inappropriately, they will first be given the choice to correct their inappropriate behavior.
If the inappropriate behavior continues, the student will be directed to the Refocus area to reflect on their behavior and will return when they have completed their Refocus form and they are ready to enter back into the activity.
If a student is asked to Refocus a second time, they will be sent to Lunch Refocus that day or the following school day.
Students who are consistently unprepared for class will also receive a reminder form.
Students are also working as a TEAM to earn the Golden Football. Each day, students who demonstrate are on task and working toward the learning goal may be awarded the “Super Listener” Award. If the entire class earns a “Super Listener” then they are awarded the Golden Football. If this is awarded, the class will take to their classroom for one week. Students earn this if all students in the class earn a level 3 or level 4 in one class period. There is a chart in the gym for classes to track their progress. !
So…let’s get ready to have some fun and get fit!